Friday, February 25, 2011

Holi Specials

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Organic India
Genuine Wellness Happy Holi | 19th March 2011
Happy and Safe HOLI with Organic Colors!!!

Holi is the festival of freedom from social norms. It knows no bars, no color, no creed. Everybody feels it is his right to enjoy. Songs, dance, drinks & food everything goes in excess. It can be said, Life turns Colorful when it is time for Holi. It is not just children, but the young and the old alike who take delight in this joyous festival of colors and demand every color in loads. Whatever be the choice of color, nobody remains in his original texture. Faces smeared with color look adorable at the end of the play. Really, the other name of the festival is FUN.

Are you aware of the Harmful Effects of Synthetic Colors?

  • Synthetic colors are a cause of many health hazards. Desire of darker and more long-lasting colors led us to the use of these skin-unfriendly colors.
  • Oxidized metals or industrial dyes mixed with engine oil are often used in such colors and can lead to a number of skin-diseases and are harmful for our eyes.
  • Synthetic colors are particularly harmful for skin and can produce any kind of skin rash, itching and pimples i.e. allergic reaction.
  • The Red color comes from mercury sulphate, Green from copper sulphate, Silver from aluminium bromide and Black from lead oxide which are really harmful for us.
  • These dangerous side effects of Synthetic colors can make the festival of colors colorless rather than colorful.

Are you aware of the Health Benefits of Organic Herbal Gulal?

  • Use of Gulals and colors in Holi is not just for mythological reasons but for its health benefits known to ancient physicians.
  • At the commencement of spring when Holi is celebrated, the change of weather brings with it germs of diseases and playful throwing of colors made of medicinal herbs like Tulsi, Turmeric(Haldi), Neem etc. keep the germs under control.
  • It is inherent medicinal properties of concerned herbs which provide these health benefits along with many more.
  • They protect our skin from harmful micro-organisms without any harmful effect and provide other health benefits too.
  • They are non-irritant and do not produce any kind of skin rash, itching and pimples.
  • Improve skin texture
  • Relieve inflammation
  • Improve healing of wounds

What is the right alternative?

  • We must go back to herbal colors/gulals, as they protect our skin from harmful micro-organisms without any harmful effect and provide other health benefits too.
  • ORGANIC INDIA has taken a corrective step by making gulal exclusively with medicinal herbs for rich health benefits without adverse side effects and are not only fragrant and safe but also therapeutic in many ways. These organically made colors have a special fragrance of love in them and are eco-friendly too.

Why ORGANIC INDIA's Organic Herbal Gulal?

  • ORGANIC INDIA offers Organic Green Gulal and Herbal Yellow Gulal made from organic herbs. Organic nature of these herbal gulals make them additionally useful and extra safe.
  • Green Gulal is made with Organic Tulsi leaves (free from toxic chemicals and harmful pathogens) and natural fragrance. The soothing green color is found in abundance in nature. It represents compassion, purity and harmony. It increases our sensitivity and has a calming and healing effect, in its natural and herbal form.
  • Yellow Gulal is made of Arrowroot powder, Haldi & natural fragrance. Yellow denotes energy, intellect and awakening of new blooms in the spring season.
  • These gulals were tried clinically on skin surface of volunteers and were found to be non irritant and did not produce any kind of skin rash, itching and pimples i.e. no allergic reaction was noted.
  • Tulsi and Haldi both are known to improve skin texture and relieve inflammation, also improve healing of wounds.
  • Haldi is generally used locally for beautification of skin of Bride and Bridegroom.
  • Therefore, due to these properties pure gulal from Organic Tulsi Leaves and Haldi are made to provide safe use of these herbs which are friendly to the skin.
** However, as a caution whether it is Organic Herbal Gulal or Market Gulal, it should not be allowed to enter the eyes because both can produce irritation in the eyes causing conjunctivitis.

Don't keep yourself away from the mouth-watering food this HOLI!!

Holi is one of the most boisterous festivals celebrated with full of zeal and enthusiasm. It is a colorful and joyous sight to watch huge piles of bright colors everywhere around. So this Holi, leave your excuses on one side of not playing Holi, as ORGANIC INDIA's Yellow & Green Gulal are 100% Safe & Chemical Free which is going to protect your soft, nourished skin from any threat. It bears no side effects and is healthy for you and your loved ones…

Wishing you Peace, Health & Happiness
Your Friends at ORGANIC INDIA

red top
Special Offer

Dual Combo Pack

Two 50gm Organic Green Gulal + Two 50gm Herbal Yellow Gulal

Price - Rs. 120

Buy Now

Set of 4 Tulsi Teas + Organic Gulal

Two packs of Organic Gulal free with Set of 4 Tulsi Tea Tins
M.R.P. - Rs. 610
Your Price: Rs. 530
You Save: Rs. 80(13%)

Buy Now


red btm
purple top
Be Healthy and Play Safe Holi

Breath Free + Herbal Yellow Gulal

M.R.P. - Rs. 300
Your Price: Rs. 258
You Save: Rs. 42(14%)

Buy Now


Bowelcare + Herbal Yellow Gulal

M.R.P. - Rs. 300
Your Price: Rs. 258
You Save: Rs. 42(14%)

Buy Now

purple btm

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