Monday, April 4, 2011

Regular Consumption Of Tulsi Teas Can Prevent Many Diseases

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Organic India
Genuine Wellness April 2011
Regular Consumption Of Tulsi Teas Can Prevent Many Diseases

Modern medicine has been able to develop some preventive medicines against few infections, not all infections. But Ayurveda recommends some plants, which if consumed regularly and if kept around, can prevent practically all diseases and can help in their effective treatment. Modern research calls such plants Anti-stress or Adaptogens, as diseases are because of failures of different systems/ regulatory mechanisms of the body to cope up with external and internal stresses or to adapt to them.

TULSI or Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) has the unique distinction of being the most effective anti-stress/adaptogen and also the most palatable one, owing to its special flavor and fragrance. Other adaptogens are far behind both in terms of efficacy and palatability.

Health Benefits of Tulsi:

  • Helps you relax ~ Reduces Stress
  • Keeps you going ~ Boosts stamina
  • Helps you fight illness, cough & cold
  • Strengthens Immunity
  • Abundant in antioxidants
  • Slows aging process
  • Good for oral hygiene
Only ORGANIC Tulsi Provides Optimal Health Benefits:


Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, preservatives etc reduce health benefits of Tulsi. Therefore, certified organic Tulsi should be consumed.

ORGANIC INDIA is the first organization of the world, which came forward to grow Tulsi organically, ensuring its optimal health benefits and unexcelled safety, and makes it available to the world market in the form of a refreshing herbal drink.

Health Benefits of Ginger:

Ayurveda recommends ginger to:
  • Fights against cold and cough
  • Improve appetite & digestion, expels gas
  • Improve libido
  • Relief body pain particularly joint pain
Combined Benefits of Tulsi and Ginger:

A unique combination of 3 types of Tulsi (Rama, Krishna and Vana) and Ginger, when infused in hot water produces a refreshing and healthy drink, thus providing all the health benefits of Tulsi and Ginger.

Tulsi provides the benefits of its unparallel anti-stress/adaptogenic properties, improving body's ability to protect itself from variety of ailments.

For better appetite, better digestion, to get rid of gases, to protect against cold and for over all stimulation along with powerful anti stress/adaptogenic benefits of Tulsi, "Tulsi Ginger" makes an ideal health drink.

In short, a unique and all time favorite Tulsi Ginger combines the anti-stress and immune supporting properties of Tulsi, with aromatic smell and amazing qualities of Ginger, traditionally used to activate the body's fire element, to burn up toxins and improve digestion. Ginger is known to have the ability to calm an upset stomach, promotes the flow of bile and helps to minimize the symptoms of colds and allergies. Tulsi Ginger is a delicious indulgence any time.

Why ORGANIC INDIA's Tulsi Ginger?

  • ORGANIC INDIA's Tulsi Ginger, being a certified organic product, makes it all the more attractive in terms of health benefits, as the nutritional and medicinal values of all the herbs present in the product remain intact and freedom from chemical and genetic adulteration makes it exceptionally safe.

  • Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, preservatives and genetic modification can make both Tulsi and Ginger poorer in health benefits and can also make these herbs acquire harmful properties detrimental to human health.

  • Tulsi Ginger from ORGANIC INDIA is a certified organic product free from all harmful substances, ensuring highest health benefits and absolute safety.

Wishing you Peace, Health & Happiness
Your Friends at ORGANIC INDIA

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