Tuesday, February 18, 2025

New Message from Tumble Time Education Center

Lo Hannum sent a new message for Ganon Teigen.

Tumble Time Illness and Late Pick-Up Policy Reminder: Illness: Please be considerate of other children and do not send a sick child to school. A fever of 100* or higher, red eyes or pink eye, sore throat, unexplained rash, yellow or green runny nose, vomiting, or diarrhea in the past 24 hours are symptoms that would require your child to stay home. If your child develops these symptoms while at school; we will call you and ask that your child be picked up within one hour. An ill child will be isolated and given appropriate care until you arrive. Any child with these symptoms may NOT return until they are symptom free for at least 24 hours or have a doctor's note releasing them to return to class. Arrival & Pick up Please arrive and pick up PROMPTLY! If your child does not need to be picked up for from school for any reason, Please call us! Late fees for parent pick-up are calculated at $1.00 per minute per child. After 15 minutes, $2.00 per minute per child.

Reply to this message or adjust your notification setting using our free Procare Child Care Mobile app for Apple or Android.

Thank you,
Procare Solutions Team

© Procare Solutions | www.procaresoftware.com

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